Sunday, December 3, 2017

Maya and real truth

We often hear, " the world is 'maya' an illusion" most of us 
Interpret this maya as the material goods or wealth. But there is more to it. Once person starts doing yoga it is easy to overcome the craving for wealth, food, lust,fame and all these basic enemies. The next stage or the next test is to over come the higher maya. by higher maya the 'siddhis' a yogi slowly starts getting siddhis by practicing the pranayamas. these siddhis are like " Vach-siddhi" which means a blessed tongue or someone could be able to fly, or smell some divine smell. There is a long list of the siddhis. this is like a major test, over coming these is even more difficult. Today we see people who call them selves saints and use these siddhis. They end up using their energies for showing miracles for no good reasons,, but to satisfy their own egos or may be for gain (i do not know why they do it).
Why am i writing this? cos someone asked my "Why do you do yoga?" or may be "Why should someone do yoga?" I could not give a spontaneous answer, then I thought to my self and I just know it. Don't do yoga to achieve anything, don't do yoga to be immortal, don't do yoga to live a healthy life, do not do yoga for spiritual development, do not do yoga for being able to be better than others in any walk of life or don't even do yoga for attaining liberation "moksha" well these things might or might not happen to any of the yoga practitioners, that is not at all important. Do yoga only if you enjoy doing yoga and do it because you love to do it. As mentioned in the "bhagwat Geeta" do your deeds and do not expect any thing. Do your yoga just like you meet ur girlfriend/boyfriend, because you love to do it. Otherwise just don't do it.

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